“ReadingMakes a Full Woman”Book SharingSession Held by Shanghai Netfortune
In order to respond to thebook sharingactivity themed by advocating ladies to read and establishingcivilizedfamilies, Shanghai Netfortune organized a book sharing session forfemalepersonnel on 11th, May 2018. A cup of coffee, a bunch offlower anda book created such an academic atmosphere. This session aimed toimprove theirpersonal quality, enrich their cultural life and care about theirmentalhealth. It was the female personnel’s joining that made the session befull ofwit and humor.
Reading is inseparable from awoman’stemperament, wit, self-cultivation and success. It not lies in quantity,butlies in intensive reading, deep understanding, and thorough thinking,incontrast, genuine knowledge will never be obtained through skippingreading.Although not all woman can make great success, all of them are able topursuehappiness, and those who love reading will better master this power.
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